YAY, we’ve officially landed at our new hosting location! Unfortunately, it’s taking a lot longer to get things set up than expected. I’d like to take a moment to thank Wervyn and his friends for letting me join their hosting server, and for tirelessly helping to get things running on the back end: I couldn’t have gotten this far without them! But even after we got most things figured out, I still effectively lost the original theme and images in the import, and we still don’t really know what happened there. LAME. Naturally, these setbacks really sapped all my energy to work on the site, as it seemed like when…
VLOG: Total Solar Eclipse 2017!
I tried, but experiencing the strange atmospheric effects of an eclipse is really hard to capture on video. That, and seeing the eclipse itself is unlike anything else, and hard to describe. But I hope this gives you some idea of how cool a total solar eclipse is! Music: Beginning & end: “Moon Shadow” by Kate Rusby During eclipse: “Bathed in the Light” by Kevin MacLeod
VLOG: Our First D&D DM Session!
Wervyn and I put together a short campaign to run for our D&D group! Really excited to see how the whole thing unfolds! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ via IFTTT
How to Decrypt “Gravity Falls” Ciphers Like a (Literal) Pro (Guest Post)
↓ CLICK HERE TO JUMP TO THE GUEST POST ↓ So, while I’m doing NaNoWriMo and hiatusing, Wervyn (my husband, for those not in the know) has taken on a new hobby! We’ve been watching the TV series Gravity Falls together, me inspired by friend recommendations, and he because his software engineer coworkers told him that each episode has a cryptogram to solve! In case you weren’t aware, Wervyn is puzzle-mad. His schedule every day includes playing a few daily puzzle games on his computer, and he has a growing collection of Rubix Cubes and Hanayama metal puzzles on his desk at work. And likely because of his puzzle obsession, which…
#WeeklyVenture Challenge: Finding Fairy Doors & Stashing my first #FAFATL!
So, dollhouses and miniatures are my vice, nay, my obsession! They’ve basically been one of my favorite things since I was tiny myself, and this has not abated as I’ve grown up. The Atlanta Miniature Society had a show & sale event going on this weekend, and I never remember to plan for it til its too late 🙁 So I decided to celebrate Talk Like a Pirate Day this year with my favorite first mate, going on a quest for local burritos and fairy doors. The burritos were the best food outing idea we’d had in at least a month. The weather was fantastic, and the jerk chicken in…
Come all my dear computer lovers And take a warning how you work If you don’t save your efforts elsewhere It will be there, and then it’s gone. I wish I’d known before I’d lost it Time I had left, my files to move For when it died, without a warning It left me here in grief to moan. Inspired by Jim Moray’s “Fair and Tender Lovers.” On Valentine’s Day, I opened my laptop, signed in, the screen was on for a few seconds, and no sooner had I plugged in my headphones, it completely turned off. No blue screen, no pop up error warnings, just black. With a whirr…
NaNoWriMo, Thankful, and Christmas AdvenTea
I update you on my most recent things, go over some of the biggest things I’m thankful for, and announce an excited string of Christmas videos, and it involves tea! Thanks to an awesome present from my father-in-law, I’m doing a tea advent calendar on my Youtube Channel. I’m posting them in a playlist, which you’ll find below. Enjoy!
20 Things You Might Not Know About Me | Blacksburg Belle Blog Tag
This blog post is a part of the “20 Things You Might Not Know About Me” Blog Tag started by April from Blacksburg Belle. She began this blog tag experiment to build community among creatives, help us bloggers to connect more and get to know each other better. This month’s topic is all about sharing just a little too much information about yourself. If you’d like to participate or want more info, check out the beginning post right here. Figured I’d post this to kick off the first week of NaNoWriMo 2014! Thanks for the tag, Sarah Shotts! Let’s a-go! Question 1: How tall are you? 5’2″. I’m fun-sized! Question 2: Do you have a hidden…
Confessions of an Insecure Author* (Post #200!)
*I know, pretty much all you authors out there are. 😛 So, come commiserate with me. So, Labor Day weekend was a roller coaster for my writing emotions. For the first part of the weekend, we spent some time with friends at a beautiful farm house inn. I went to sleep to the sounds of thunder storms or barking farm dogs (kept there to chase off coyotes) and woke up to the misty mornings of sweet, quiet open space, punctuated by rooster calls. We ate breakfast in the common room with the other guests, and I met a fellow tea lover and tea pot collector at the hot drink bar, who told me she’s…
VEDA 2013 – Day #19: Worldbuilding & Ideas (Podcast)
Second and last in the series of old podcasts getting posted to Youtube for posterity!
VEDA 2013 – Day #18: Can You Ever Stop Being a Writer? (Podcast)
Happy Amateur Radio Day! Finally posting the first of two podcasts I recorded in 2010, which I want to put on here for posterity since the podcast seriously fell out of use.
Best Anniversary Gift Ever
My husband got me the most wonderful anniversary present a writer could ever dream of! Oh, and vote 🙂
Editing! See? I’m productive!
Hubs and I sitting down to do some intensive editing. Continuity is still a problem 😛
Seek me? Find me here! (also, BAAACK!)
HI GUYS!!! Happy New Year!!! Whew, that was a WONderful break! I still feel like I’m playing catch-up in many areas of life, now that I’m officially married to my wonderful Wervyn and the holidays are over, but I am planning to get back into the swing of blogging and vlogging and officially writing, as well as hopefully work on some other fun projects! It’s a lot, really. In fact, listening to myself, I’m hoping I’m not gonna tap out, as I’m also looking for some freelance web design work hopefully in the new year, so wish me luck, and if any of you are praying folks, please pray for…
VEDA – Day 24: Recommendations
Werv gives some sci-fi authors and series recommendations. Lois McMaster Bujold’s site : www.dendarii.com —- download the entire Vorkosigan (Miles) saga for FREE! Really, it’s totally legal and Bujold-endorsed! baencd.thefifthimperium.com Orson Scott Card’s site : www.hatrack.com Neal Stephenson’s site : www.nealstephenson.com
Exciting Updates!!!
I know I try to post only writing related news on here, but this is kind of a big deal! It’s a huge life changer! Gentle audience, I had no idea that a few hours after my last blog entry, I would be getting engaged!!! And to think, last year I was writing haikus about my only date for Valentine’s Day being a box of chocolate! You never know what a year can bring! The lad in question is Wervyn, who is the coding man for this site! He’s a wonderful, brilliant man and a fantastic writer, and he’s been helping me a lot with the final draft of my…