Seek me? Find me here! (also, BAAACK!)
HI GUYS!!! Happy New Year!!! Whew, that was a WONderful break! I still feel like I’m playing catch-up in many areas of life, now that I’m officially married to my wonderful Wervyn and the holidays are over, but I am planning to get back into the swing of blogging and vlogging and officially writing, as well as hopefully work on some other fun projects! It’s a lot, really. In fact, listening to myself, I’m hoping I’m not gonna tap out, as I’m also looking for some freelance web design work hopefully in the new year, so wish me luck, and if any of you are praying folks, please pray for my stamina!
So if you’re interested in keeping up with me to see what I have going on, or just want to follow me on some social sites, this be the hook-up.
- Twitter. I do most of my updating there first. I’ll post what I’m writing about, thinking about regarding writing, or link to any new blogs vlogs, upcoming publishing news or sales updates. It’s kinda the pulse of my empire, so stay up to date on there and you’ll be on track!
- Facebook Page. It’s linked to my twitter and also includes big updates, like vlog and blog posts and I upload all pictures there and sometimes longer update posts. If you check Facebook more than Twitter, this is the one to stay connected to.
- Read my blog. Here, obviously ^_^ I’ll be waxing wordier about my writing progress here, as well as writing about other writerly interests and authors I like now and then, so if you want deeper reading, check it here. Also post vlogs here.
- Youtube, for vlogs! I post little slices of writing life and tea-loving, as well as personal inspiration or silly life videos.
- Tumblr. Mostly for putzing around and mixing with another community, and posting updates to my scarcely-updated webcomic. And I allow myself to repost things that are relevant to nerdier interests. It’s fun 😀
Here are some other sites I’m on:
- Goodreads, for compiling lists of books I like, and eventually for keeping track of all the books I write/work on.
- Pinterest. For adding pins of writerly things I find interesting or inspiring.
- I also have a Podcast on Audioboo, DeviantArt, Formspring, Google+ and MySpace page (I’m kind of addicted to Social Networking sites, can you tell?), and I don’t do much on those right now, but you can check them out if you’d like.
Well, that looks like it for now! I plan to get a vlog up soon that talks about my new writing life and writing space, so stay tuned for that! I’m excited to be back, and hope I can be better on my game than ever!
Luv, Christina