Tales of Thoglan Series
Book 1
Lottie Imadara never really knew what happened to her parents, though she knew they were dead. But whenever she or her brother tried to learn more, her Uncle Mort would stop them. As she grows into a talented illuminator in her uncle’s shop, the questions about her parents still hound her. Then one day she stumbles into a strange, magical forest that isn’t supposed to exist, and gets a vision from a beautiful, mystical creature. But afterwards, as life goes on as usual, she starts trying to figure out what exactly happened. Her path leads to a necklace with strange powers, and when she realizes that all these magical things are bringing her closer to learning about her parents, she must hide it all from her uncle. Can she find out all the answers before he finds out, or before even more dangerous, darker forces do?
Where in the Process
From most to least recent developments.
- Finished rewrites for Draft 7 on 4/29/2022! Still need a week to get the rest of the line edits done.
- Finally got a deadline in my head after I decided to find an editor through The Write Practice after a fortuitous writer’s getaway in early August 2021. Staying in contact with them and making a plan really helped me focus.
- Still hardcore editing into 2020, though slowed down by the pandemic, but still making progress and sending out chapters to my beta readers
- Hardcore working on Draft 6, in fact it was so hardcore that it was renamed Draft 7 after enough new stuff was added, since late June 2019, sending out completed chapters to a small pool of beta readers gathered in April
- Still working on Draft 6, got some feedback from a writer’s group and some editor friends, 2017-2018
- Restarted streamlined editing process to send Draft 6 out to agents, Winter/Spring 2017
- Changed writing style plan to make “Redwing” sound more like a fairy tale, Autumn 2016
- Submitted to two agents Sept. 4, 2016. Rejected.
- Officially changed name of “Sign of the Sparrow” to “Sign of the Redwing,” Summer 2016
- Redoubled editing efforts in January 2016, and began constructing a big, new outline for this book, and some of the series to follow.
- Started editing Book 1 again here and there, Mid-Late June 2015.
- Started a writing hiatus to pursue other endeavors, Feb. 1, 2015.
- After a month of series planning, started editing Draft 6, Feb. 1, 2015.
- Made a year’s worth of plans for this book and its series and posted it on Jan. 19, 2015.
- Made a detailed revision game plan on October 6, 2014.
- Fully launched into editing Draft 6 on August 6, 2014. Didn’t get far past the first chapter.
- As of Sept. 2013, taking a long break to be fresh for a new round of edits and submissions.
- Submitted to agent July 25, 2013. Rejected.
- After a break, started Draft 6, June 2013.
- Submitted to agent early Nov. 2012. Rejected.
- Started 5th Draft, Dec. 26, 2011. Sent to proofreaders. Waiting for critique.
- Completed 4th Draft, April 4, 2011. Sent to proofreaders. Waiting for critique.
- Started 4th Draft, late 2010-early 2011. Even nitpickier editing stage.
- Completed 3rd Draft, Oct. 25, 2010. Sent to editor. Waiting for critique.
- Started 3rd Draft, Sept. 23, 2010. Nitpicky Editing stage.
- Completed 2nd Draft, July 27, 2010. Sent to editor. Waiting for critique.
- Started 2nd Draft, around April 6, 2009. Editing stage.
- Finished the first draft sometime in late 2008 or early 2009.
Book 2
Where in the Process
From most to least recent developments.
- Started character & extended worldbuilding, as well as the layout of Draft 1 during NaNoWriMo 2022. Didn’t complete it, but got to a place I was happy with for the time being