September 2021 Fly-By Status Report – The State of the Art
Ahoy there! Just swinging by to update you on what’s been going on since my last report.
- The Etsy shop sales went slowly this summer, even as I was investigating other selling avenues that haven’t panned out yet, so I decided to take a break until Dragon Con got closer. I’ll come back to Dragon Con a little bit later in the post, but if you haven’t followed Sunlit Nook on Instagram or Facebook you totally should!
- I’m taking a break from MomoCon this year. Because of COVID Delta shenaniganery they decided to postpone til winter, and I always have a lot going on then, so I don’t think it will work out. I don’t know if I’ll ever have time for an artists table with them, as registration starts in January, and I’m always doing so much there with the social media department anyway, so we’ll let that sit for now.
- Progress on the studio is going VERY well! We added a lot of shelves, got some minor work done on it, and it needs a lot more organizing to be done and some costmetic touches, but I have a lot of desk space to work on my Etsy projects! Yay! I am still collecting video and photos for the eventual vlog, as it’s not quite done yet.
- I posted photos on the Minlandia Instagram (see photo above), and I have some more I’m planning with stories to go along with them if I have time! I also set up an Etsy store to eventually sell some miniatures I make (though nothing is on there as of this post), and I am not sure if I’ll have time for a lot of mini stuff this year because…
- I’m planning on sending my fantasy book to an editor! So far this year, writing has been slow-going, but my husband and I took a writer’s retreat at a local AirB&B, where one of our hosts was also a writer, so we did a little networking. And because of that, he connected me with some editors! So now I’m lighting a deadline fire under me to finish editing my book NaNoWriMo style (but before November) so I can submit to an editor! It’s going to be tough, but I plan to start once I get completely unpacked and tie up loose ends on shop stuff leftover from…

This was my first Dragon Con selling in the Vendor’s Hall and not just on Eventeny! I partnered with my in-laws gift shop (Kaleidoscope Shop) who have a table at Dragon Con, and I worked there part-time, including setup and takedown from Wednesday-Monday! I ended up getting laryngitis afterward, from projecting through a mask at customers in a noisy vendor hall, and my feet were killing me every day by the time I got back to my room, but it was all worth it! I got to meet some lovely people who purchased from me, and some who didn’t, and even made connections with people who want to do collabs or work on custom orders with me! The hobbit holes were a huge hit, I only have 2 left (all the green door ones went first, no surprise)! If you’re interested in one, please contact me at my Etsy shop (ONLY there, please!), and we can talk it through there.
It was so great to be back at a geek convention! I did a lot more meetups and hunting for swag n’ seek items, both alone and with friends (it’s always better with friends), and I got to debut my long shoulder Furby Zelphine, who I plan to do a blog post about in the future! Of course, I had to make her a mask too: safety first! I had 2 people take photos of her, which was awesome! (I’m also pretty excited about my Sunlit Nook mask I designed!)
Which reminds me, I’m sitting on a few bigger project blog posts that I want to finish and publish on top of everything listed above, but I’m so busy, maybe I’ll have to wait til next year. We’ll see what happens! Catch you next post!✍️