About Me

It’s-a me! Christina! | Photo by Morgan Corbett

Hi! I’m Christina Wert (also known as Christina A. Nelson, Sunlit Nook Creative or PuellaDocta), and I’m a freelance web/graphic designer and social media manager, as well as a traditional artist, multi-disciplinary fiber artist (knitting, crochet, spinning, cross stitch, etc.), jack of all trades crafter & DIY-er. I’m also a fantasy writer working on a series that I hope to publish soon.

I’m a huge geek with an interest in history and storytelling, especially if it involves the arts, music, handicrafts, clothes/costumes or toys (including miniatures, puppets and automatons), as well as mythology, folk songs and belief systems, and how they affected the people around them. I also love pop culture history, geek conventions, anime, alternative history, playing ukulele and singing, theatre, D&D, video games, tea and cats. I also hate to limit myself, so I like learning about all kinds of new things all the time!

I went to college at James Madison University, got my Media Arts and Design major and Art minor, then moved to Franklin, TN, where I wrote the first draft of my fantasy series! I married my back-end web coding man James (better known as Wervyn), and moved to Atlanta, where we’ve lived for over a decade now.

In addition to my freelance work, I’m an Assistant Director (previously Director) of Social Media for the Atlanta-based geek convention MomoCon. In the past, I’ve volunteered with Dragon Con (another ATL-based geek con) and Paint Love (an art non-profit fostering creativity and self-esteem in the kids of Atlanta). (Check out my LinkedIn, and for a more professional, design-focused portfolio, visit my Coroflot site.)

I’m so proud to announce that in 2020, during the onset of COVID-19, I launched my dream artist business! I make and sell whimsical and geeky handmade hair clips, jewelry, and other gifts. In addition to my Etsy, Redbubble and Zazzle shops, and I’ve partnered with the Kaleidoscope Shop, who sell some of my pieces on their website and through pop-up opportunities. Occasionally, I’ve been known to drop a free art piece into the world for Free Art Friday (#fafatl).

Panger (white) & Moss (black), tolerating and irritating each other 24/7

Our house–including my art studio in the backyard–serves as my main work & creative HQ, and our two kitties Panger and Moss keep us company, along with a motley crew of houseplants. I believe that the journey is part of, if not the entire, creative process! So if I’m working on a particularly challenging, life-consuming project–editing a novel, for example–I’ll post little progress updates on Instagram to capture the ups and downs for my own creative records, and to commiserate with other writers and artists 😛

If you’d like to know more about my ever-enduring writing project, check out my Great Blog Tour entry from 2014, which isn’t very current, but it’s a great snapshot of my writing progress and my life at the time, and has a lot of good insights.

If I post surveys, Q&As or other things about myself, I tag them “About the Author,” so feel free to peruse those. My friend and fellow author Diane Kilmer interviewed me in 2010, if you’re interested in an outsider’s perspective. And if you’re curious why I use the handle “puelladocta” on social media, I explain it in this post from a few years back.

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Christina