Any audio-related posts, like podcasts, or audio journals.
VEDA 2013 – Day #19: Worldbuilding & Ideas (Podcast)
Second and last in the series of old podcasts getting posted to Youtube for posterity!
VEDA 2013 – Day #18: Can You Ever Stop Being a Writer? (Podcast)
Happy Amateur Radio Day! Finally posting the first of two podcasts I recorded in 2010, which I want to put on here for posterity since the podcast seriously fell out of use.
Author Unplugged: The December Discussion
Two podcast updates at once! Mercy me! They’re actually whittled down halves of one long conversation I had with Wervyn about writing, recorded Dec. 2010. It was tough deciding to split the whole thing up, and it was hard cutting the halves down to a crisp 5 minutes or less (audioboo specifications), but I did it! I even created an intro and an outro! *is pleased*
Author Unplugged: Appeasing the Inner Nerd
You know what’s kind of ridiculous? I just realized that some of the BEST NEWS about my manuscript all year was the focus of my first blog in 2011! It’s already shaping up to be a good year! Editing is going well, but slower than I’d like. I’m at an interesting juncture where I’m trying to integrate some worthy opinions from some trusted editors, and need to figure out if I should go with their ideas or keep things the way they are. Ultimately I need to find an agent, and they’ll help me with that too, but just trying to make the outgoing manuscript the best that it can…