VEDA 2013 – Day #29: Winning!
Finished my Camp NaNoWriMo novel a day early! W00t! Now I am tired.
VEDA 2013 – Day #24: Pushing Past the Boredom
Why do I feel bored writing my NaNo novel?
VEDA 2013 – Day #14: Giving Myself a Pep Talk…Rant…Thing
*sings* Da da da-da-da Day four-teen! I’m actually not exhausted so I’m able to ramble for a while AND still carry the topic with gusto without too many pauses!
VEDA 2013 – Day 7: Deliberation vs. Discovery
Planning your writing projects is always good, but writing is a process of discovery. Easy to forget ^_^
VEDA 2013 – Day 5: Life, London and North Korea
Using my life experiences to help my writing along is something I really enjoy doing, even if it can get emotional. Also, was well-informed by Hank Green’s video on North Korea, and love all the Londoniness of Maureen Johnson’s “The Name of the Star.”
VEDA 2013 – Day 4: Agents and Tiny Chocolate Bunnies
Playing with tiny chocolate bunnies is more fun than shopping my book around.
VEDA 2013 – Day 3: Hurting My Characters
I run errands, get frustrated at “The Name of the Wind” (but that just means IT’S REALLY GOOD!!!), make goat noises, mishear lyrics, and talk about how hard it is for me to heap hardships upon my characters.
VEDA 2013 – Day 2: In Which Much Writing Occurs
I love being ahead of the curve! We’re also reading a really mathy book. And the cat is adorable.
V.E.D.A. 2012 Playlist
Like last year, here’s the growing playlist for Vlog Every Day in April, this time for 2012. I’ll be posting all the videos, but this will give you all of them in one place and will play through all of them automatically (as many as I’ve updated). Hope you enjoy!
VEDA – Day 19: Tea 3
Teas, teas, TEAS! I take you all on a walk through my collection of teas!
VEDA – Day 18: Radio
World Amateur Radio Day!!!! I talk about being a DJ for a semester in college on JMU’s indie radio station.
VEDA – Day 17: Carmen
I saw the opera Carmen yesterday evening, and I give a Christina cliff notes version of the story, and comment on how dysfunctional the characters are. ^_^
VEDA – Day 12: Fionnulah
I’m too busy writing to vlog, so I send Finny in as a replacement. Finny realized she may have come off kind of snippy. She apologizes! I yanked her away from her DD game so she was kind of annoyed with me 😛
VEDA – Day 11: Inspired
I remind myself that even if people don’t like my book, it’s okay. And okay is wonderful.
VEDA – Day 7: Ennui
Muse just went out for croissants. She’s back now. Turn off the annotations to see the real translations.
VEDA – Day 2: Toys
Authors need toys to mess with to help them write. Here are a few of mine.
V.E.D.A. Project 2011 – Playlist
I’ve decided to take on the challenge of Vlog Every Day in April! Here’s the playlist where I’m uploading all the VEDA vlogs on my YouTube Channel. A vlog every day for the next 31 days. Hooooo…… Hope you guys enjoy! The playlist will be updated every time there’s a new one loaded!