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Hi friends! I know I’ve fallen off the face of the earth in all places but Twitter and sometimes Tumblr (I DO have a nerdy vlog coming up), but things haven’t been terribly interesting on the writing front. Until now.

First…I have finished editing most of Draft 5 and now I am just doing a few rewrites here and there. And why is Draft 5 so important? Because it is the last draft before I start sending the manuscript out to publishers!

screenshot of completed word count

And this is about to get tons more exciting because…

Second…I recently signed up to attend the Atlanta Writer’s Conference this upcoming November! (Also just joined the Atlanta Writer’s Club, which I’m excited to get involved with!) The convention will have workshops and a Q&A section for us to talk with REAL agents! And even BETTER, I signed up to have the beginning of my manuscript critiqued by a real agent, AND I’ll also be pitching to an agent that weekend too! Thank goodness I’m also attending a seminar on how to pitch your book at this con too, or else I’d be panicking!

nostalgia critic nervous

So I’m basically on a quest to get all the editing done so I can submit the required amount of pages for my assigned agent to read before the cutoff time. Not too worried, but I just need to knuckle down and do it, even though life is going to be busy for a while yet.

Man, getting married has quadrupled the eventfulness of my life. In a good way, but still, something I’m getting used to šŸ˜€


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