January 2022 Fly-By Status Report – So we’re still in a pandemic, okay…I kinda wish it would snow…I need a cup of tea before I can start editing…
Well hi! Smiley day to ya! Why yes, I have been watching a lot of Critical Role lately, and no, I’m not procrastinating, why? Why would you even say that? I’m hurt. My new writing deadline to submit to an editor is April, which evens out to editing roughly a chapter a day if I play my cards right. But as I get closer to the end and I’m staring at a bunch of loose threads, I don’t think I’m gonna always be able to measure by chapter, there will be lots of jumping around and organizing data to make sure I finish everything up as neatly as possible. Which…
January 2018 Fly-By Status Report – I joined a writer’s group!
Greetings, readers! Nice to see you on the other end of Christmas & New Years! Finally. Dang, I’ve been so busy I haven’t had time to put my thoughts and hopes for this year in blog post form yet, til now, when January is ALMOST OVER! (I’m curious, who actually reads these updates, or are they pretty much just for me? If you do, leave a comment and say hi!) Right now I’m typing to the dulcet sounds of workmen trimming the giant tree in my front yard (buzz saws and thuds on my roof), and now that I finally got WordPress to upload images again (ugghh), it’s time for my January…
A Tolkien Christmas Eve Story
T’was the eve before Christmas, and all through the house, Both Panger and Mossling awaited a mouse A mouse they could chase and play with all day And at night they could eat in a mousie souffle. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE! Long time no see, dear readers! I’ve been busy with all the customary Christmas projects: volunteering at church, working the obscene hours of the retail machine, and getting presents together. And this little bit of Christmas cheer, dear readers, is my humble gift to you! So wrap yourself up in something cozy, perhaps grab a warm drink, and I’m going to tell you a Christmas story. For a while, I’ve been wanting to…
NaNoWriMo, Thankful, and Christmas AdvenTea
I update you on my most recent things, go over some of the biggest things I’m thankful for, and announce an excited string of Christmas videos, and it involves tea! Thanks to an awesome present from my father-in-law, I’m doing a tea advent calendar on my Youtube Channel. I’m posting them in a playlist, which you’ll find below. Enjoy!
The House That Built Me
While with my parents over Christmas, I find remnants of a younger me with writerly aspirations. Also, made this entirely on my new Gen. 4 iPod Touch with the iMovie app, which is simplified but quite nice once I learned how to use it! Wherein I play around with my new iPod touch and shoot a vlog about a younger me, and the pieces of her I found at my parent’s house. The centered video with black sidebars reminds me of a certain Imogen Heap video, just with significantly lesser production values ^_~
Joyeux Noël 2010!
I know I’ve been scarce, so I’m considering calling another hiatus, but instead I’d rather say: “It’s the holidays! Chill!” ^_^ MERRY CHRISTMAS, EVERYONE! Whatever you celebrate, hope you have fun and enjoy yourself today! With rumors of snow flying in the next few days, sounds like we’ll have a white Christmas after all! Even though I haven’t been writing much at all I’ve had a wonderful time with family and friends, and that counts for a lot. I have some plans and some New Years writing resolutions, so it will be forthcoming! Random Tolkien nerd moment that I think everyone can appreciate: According to the Lord of the Rings…