Sept. 2016 Fly-By Status Report – Super-Charged Summer
*careens into blog, hair flying, adjusting glasses* Whew! Hey guys! How was your summer? Mine was great, and relentlessly busy, including 4 trips in 4 months, getting an additional part-time job, and being in a play! Which, in addition to regular life stuff, means I had no extra mental space for blogging! I know it’s the last day of September, and I want to get my tri-annual update in to keep myself honest. So let’s see how much I got done that I wanted to do. Here’s my Summer Agenda 2016 plans from my home page. If it’s crossed out, it means it’s finished, or I’ve edited the original plan,…
May 2016 Fly-By Status Report – I GOT A REAL JOB!
Yes, you read that right: I GOT A REAL JOB! The ultimate happy dance! | via GIPHY It’s a part-time administrative and communication assistant job, which is only a few hours a week, and a few minutes away from my house (YAAAAAY), so hopefully that means I can structure my life around that to get some stability for my creative work! I start today, and I’m really excited to see how it goes! Also, hi, I haven’t seen you since Easter! I’ve been super busy working, arting, volunteering, story researching…in fact, that’s why I decided to do tri-yearly status reports. I figure, if I haven’t blogged or vlogged in a while, I want to make…
I’ve moved to PuellaDocta.com!
If you’re reading this, I’ve already started making all kinds of changes to canelsonauthor.com…particularly moving it to PUELLADOCTA.COM. Tadaaaaa! I’ve got it set up to redirect and everything! I’m slowly getting everything transferred so it will show up correctly, so please forgive any broken links or images! I’m still trying to figure out all the social media renaming too, but I’ll let you know if/when there are any big changes. I’m still going to write about about my writing here, I’m just adding my art and design to the party as well ^_^ Thanks for your patience! ~Christina
Puelladocta & the Search for More Money
Alas, my dear readers, I regret to tell you that I am taking a novel writing hiatus, in favor of that most persistent of goals, The Search for More Money. Unfortunately, though I’ve been looking for consistent full-time and part-time employment in the graphic design field, I’ve been neglecting my design and programming skills, in favor of writing. Which seems counter-intuitive now that I think about it. That and my portfolio site needs a serious overhaul. Plus, I want to sharpen my dulled artistic strengths, and I have other interests I want to investigate, like technical and article writing. But to develop those things, I must take a break from…
Come all my dear computer lovers And take a warning how you work If you don’t save your efforts elsewhere It will be there, and then it’s gone. I wish I’d known before I’d lost it Time I had left, my files to move For when it died, without a warning It left me here in grief to moan. Inspired by Jim Moray’s “Fair and Tender Lovers.” On Valentine’s Day, I opened my laptop, signed in, the screen was on for a few seconds, and no sooner had I plugged in my headphones, it completely turned off. No blue screen, no pop up error warnings, just black. With a whirr…
Vlogs that I forgot to post on here
Remember how I used to have a Youtube video importing plugin that stopped importing my vlogs a number of months ago? Yeah. That was fun. As I’m updating my site I have to go back, delete the random vlogs I don’t really want on here (they’ll still be up on my Youtube channel) and re-embed the ones I do want, cuz I just got sick of the plugin. SO, in honor of Throwback Thursday, I’m posting some of these older ones from this year and the end of last year, which I really like a lot, but never made it here. They’re posted from most to least recent. Do enjoy!
Changes and Challenges
Dear Readers, I’m so sorry that my busy schedule has consumed my life and only allows me time for quick tweets and occasional Vines. Those on social networks will already know exactly why. We bought a house! It’s beautiful and it even has a studio building in the back that we plan to use for storage and I’ll use it for a writing, artsy retreat once I get it inhabitable, but my life has now been consumed with all the logistical details of home ownership, leaving me very little mental energy for things oft thrown to the back burner (including fixing up the bugs on this site). I at least…
Margaret Mitchell House
Since I’ve moved to the delightful city of Atlanta, I’ve discovered many fun places. The city’s made of them. But the most relevant to my writing interests HAS to be the Margaret Mitchell House, which I visited in July 2011 shortly after moving in. My fiancé (now husband) had work, and I was still getting used to living in a new city, so I decided to do some sightseeing. Of course, people told me that as an author I MUST see The Margaret Mitchell House, so I punched it in my GPS. When I got there, a tour had already started, but it had only just begun so I didn’t miss much,…
DRAFT 2 of { Book One } IS FINISHED! Although, that’s what I felt like last time at the end of Draft 1. This time, with Draft 2, I’m a bit more like this: Maybe not that serene but…at least able to skim through it and check for misspellings. Last time, I was lucky to get it emailed to friends, I was so worn OUT. And I was worn out for DAYS. I’m curious to see how my body reacts to this one being done. But it’s been sent out to my editor friend already, and I’m looking forward to her critique! Aaaaaaaaannndddd this is my second late-night entry in…
Hiccups Aside
Hi guys. I am REALLY sorry about the insanity of this website transfer thing, but I’ve been so busy I can’t give it the time it deserves. And since my brain can’t be in two blogs at once, I’m just going to move everything here, officially, and start the process of cleaning out the blogspot blog. I’ll leave a link up to lead the way in case you get lost or confused. I’m sorry for all the craziness and any inconvenience this might have caused you. I’ll be primping and fixing as needed, so I apologize if it’s a bit messy at times. But I assure you, things will smooth…