Ode to a Spider {a thankful, poetic ramble}
When the giant webs appeared in our yard(and I mean big, as wide as the length of my arm)My first thought was concernBut when my bug guy reminded me that these spiders are good, actuallyI was more than happy to live and let live, as I’ve always loved bugs (with some exceptions). When a particularly giant web appeared outside my kitchen windowI was stunned at how big its inhabitant was, its body half the length of my thumbIts long legs pointy and spindly, the thickness of pine needlesBut I watched it curiously, appreciating its creepiness adding to the Halloween vibe, but little elseAt first. Then, one day, I stood at…
Happiness is a warm kitten | Happy Birthday, Moss!
It’s Moss’ First Birthday!!! Birthdays are always special, but after all he’s been through, this one feels particularly dear. I wrote this long-form poem, which is more like a journal entry, in October last year, right after Moss had completed recovery from his invasive gastro surgery. He’d ingested a bunch of string that perforated his stomach lining and got close to his kidneys. After a nerve-wracking night of surgery, and a thankfully successful recovery, he’d had his stitches removed and his belly was still growing back all his hair. He was out of the woods at last, and I was treasuring his safety and health, wanting to appreciate every tiny,…
#WeeklyVenture Challenge: Solo {a poem of embellishments on things that really happened}
When the yard explodes with violets and dandelions,And wasps inexplicably thump head first into the window,I know it’s finally time to break out the jellies. (They’re grown up jellies, with a low purple heel, comfort ridges and everything.) I know I’ll need comfortable* shoes because today I’m walking.I won’t have a car for an hour or so, and there’s some unexplored urban territory nearby.Jaywalking is involved. The weather is perfect, and I wish I had my bike. (It’s hiding in the shed on cracked tires.) A strip mall adjoining a nature trail is mine to conquer. A rare thing, like an old tree growing in the center of a parking…
Autumn Morning {a short poem}
Shining sun, chilly morning Autumn came without a warning. Sweater matched with summer shoes Milk the last of summertime, who’s Steamy grip has finally slipped And let in autumn’s tingly nip. Walk to farmer’s market square The squash and herbs and seeds are there, And with a parcel for my pay, I head back home, to tuck away Again to blankets soft and worn, To block against the chilly morn. Happy October, guys! Autumn is prolly my most favoritest season, so after taking a walk to the farmer’s market this morning, I felt inspired to write about it 😀
Obligatory Valentine’s Day Entry { a series of haikus }
Of all the WalgreensIn all the towns in the world,It had to be mine. My plans were simple.Some milk, maybe some crackers,Box of cereal. I knew I shouldn’t,And yet I found myself there,Red, pink and white aisle. Everywhere: all ’round:I could not escape my fate.And then there he was. His face was shapely,His coloring was ruddy.I felt a tremor. Irish! And so sweet!I picked it right off the shelf.Cuz I love truffles. SpecificallyBaileys Irish Cream trufflesNon-alcoholic. I must be crazy:I buy my own candy andI still love V-day! Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone! If you have someone, enjoy them today, and make sure to treat them this way all year long!…