Happiness is a warm kitten | Happy Birthday, Moss!
It’s Moss’ First Birthday!!! Birthdays are always special, but after all he’s been through, this one feels particularly dear. I wrote this long-form poem, which is more like a journal entry, in October last year, right after Moss had completed recovery from his invasive gastro surgery. He’d ingested a bunch of string that perforated his stomach lining and got close to his kidneys. After a nerve-wracking night of surgery, and a thankfully successful recovery, he’d had his stitches removed and his belly was still growing back all his hair. He was out of the woods at last, and I was treasuring his safety and health, wanting to appreciate every tiny,…
NaNoWriMo, Thankful, and Christmas AdvenTea
I update you on my most recent things, go over some of the biggest things I’m thankful for, and announce an excited string of Christmas videos, and it involves tea! Thanks to an awesome present from my father-in-law, I’m doing a tea advent calendar on my Youtube Channel. I’m posting them in a playlist, which you’ll find below. Enjoy!
THE MOSSVLOG! The purring and playing machine!
Uploaded this earlier in the week, but I didn’t want the post it to take away the 200th spot from the appointed entry! Meet our new fuzzy, black family member Demosthenes, better known as Moss. He’s the sweetest, most playful little guy, and he lights up my life! I only wish his big sister Panger felt the same way we do about him. But I know she’ll come around 😉
Vlogs that I forgot to post on here
Remember how I used to have a Youtube video importing plugin that stopped importing my vlogs a number of months ago? Yeah. That was fun. As I’m updating my site I have to go back, delete the random vlogs I don’t really want on here (they’ll still be up on my Youtube channel) and re-embed the ones I do want, cuz I just got sick of the plugin. SO, in honor of Throwback Thursday, I’m posting some of these older ones from this year and the end of last year, which I really like a lot, but never made it here. They’re posted from most to least recent. Do enjoy!
Captive Vlogging (Finally!)
When Panger decides to take a nap on me, I finally get back into vlogging after a 3-month hiatus 😛
THE PANGERVLOG! I have a new writing buddy!
You want the cute? Well, YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE CUTE! Seriously, she meows like a squeaky toy, gets high on catnip and rolls off her scratcher, fights furiously with one of her toys and then falls asleep. She is a non-stop photo opportunity, and she isn’t camera-shy! And in case you were curious, her name is Pangerbon, and I just got her last week. Her name is Irish, roughly meaning “white cat.” It’s originally from a really old Irish poem called “Pangur Bán” about a monk and his cat (more here: www.ceantar.org This poem was a source of inspiration for one of my favorite movies of all time, “The Secret…
DRAFT 2 of { Book One } IS FINISHED! Although, that’s what I felt like last time at the end of Draft 1. This time, with Draft 2, I’m a bit more like this: Maybe not that serene but…at least able to skim through it and check for misspellings. Last time, I was lucky to get it emailed to friends, I was so worn OUT. And I was worn out for DAYS. I’m curious to see how my body reacts to this one being done. But it’s been sent out to my editor friend already, and I’m looking forward to her critique! Aaaaaaaaannndddd this is my second late-night entry in…