Garrison Keillor
It’s about time I started expanding my Book Byte entries to talking about writers and storytellers who spin tales in mediums other than just the printed word. Garrison Keillor Although Mr. Keillor has written some printed books, I think he’s best known for his radio show “A Prairie Home Companion” on PBS Radio. His tales of awkward, dysfunctional, humorous, and down-to-earth life in the made-up Midwestern town of Lake Wobegon have captured the hearts of anyone who has heard his show. The movie “A Prairie Home Companion” (the last movie in the illustrious career of Robert Altman, one of my favorite directors) really captures the feel of Keillor’s stories, his…
VEDA – Day 18: Radio
World Amateur Radio Day!!!! I talk about being a DJ for a semester in college on JMU’s indie radio station.
Jot-Worthy Activities
A word collage of this blog. Make yours at Wordle.net.When life whacks you with a hammer, the creative gather nuts and turn it into a nut cracker. …basically when it’s hard to sit down and be creative, you can observe what’s around you for ideas and inspiration, and therefore your seemingly negative circumstances can turn around for the better. 😀 Forgive me. It feels like I’ve been dragging my brain around on a leash recently. Yesterday I geeked out with a friend over a radio from 1973, with tons of channels, including Air, CB, Ham, Short & Medium wave and more! We got broadcasts from probably 6,000 or so miles…
Book Byte: Painless Learning!
Happy school year, guys! It’s the weekend and I’m posting an entry about SCHOOL! YAAAY! It’s just that the past few weeks I’ve been getting nostalgic flashbacks of buying school supplies and books, and the morning bustle of my dad, me and my sister getting ready for work and school as my mom rushed around helping all of us out get out the door on time. I remember on very rainy days the house seemed so cozy, and everything about our morning ritual just seemed…strangely perfect. There was a homey bustle to the start of school that I loved then and now. *happy sigh* Okay, so I haven’t been in…