Seek me? Find me here! (also, BAAACK!)
HI GUYS!!! Happy New Year!!! Whew, that was a WONderful break! I still feel like I’m playing catch-up in many areas of life, now that I’m officially married to my wonderful Wervyn and the holidays are over, but I am planning to get back into the swing of blogging and vlogging and officially writing, as well as hopefully work on some other fun projects! It’s a lot, really. In fact, listening to myself, I’m hoping I’m not gonna tap out, as I’m also looking for some freelance web design work hopefully in the new year, so wish me luck, and if any of you are praying folks, please pray for…
Some Summer Inspiration
Happy June, guys! It’s the first weekend in June: it’s summer, so relax, enjoy it! And may you all have a sunny back porch to write on with a comfy chair to write in!
But I’m a Cockeyed Optimist!
I’ve been getting a whole bunch of little idea nuggets. Not story ideas (I’m getting those too), but ideas for promotion-type things! My two biggest things I have been wanting to do lately are: 1. Create a youtube account and post videos (but I have no idea what they would be about), and 2. Create a character twitter account (except that none of them have access to our world, necessarily). Still, I WANT TO DO THESE THINGS! Perhaps once I get my book finished I’ll be able to figure something out. The videos will probably happen once I’m published, but the twitter, I am still figuring that out. Yet even…
In the Absence of Twitter
I realize how supplementing with Twitter hasn’t helped my blogging *covers face* I have serious gaps. But I’ve decided to keep most of the tweet streams with a lot of the writing process sentiments in them. After all, I use twitter as an extension of my blog. So if you feel like you’re missing something in between my entries, trot on over to my new Tweet Archive Tweet Archive! But officially, to catch up the proper blog, National Novel Writing Month hath begun, and I am already over my quota for the next two days, so things are really good! I think I am going to start the agent/publisher search this…
From Twitter 10-18-2009 (Temporal Tea)
15:29:30: Book Two ideas are flowing…BLOG: http://twurl.nl/dd1urb 15:30:04: Haha, story of my writing life…RT @Quotes4Writers: “Let other pens dwell on guilt and misery.” Jane Austen 15:31:46: RT @AdviceToWriters: Writing is its own reward.HENRY MILLER #writing #writechat #writetip 15:44:20: #TemporalTea Just showed up…and saw myself from when I went on #TemporalTues. Well, self, have fun XP Gonna get out b4 I see…myself 15:44:59: What an incandescently beautiful day! Haven’t had a lovely like this in a while! 15:47:19: (me from #TemporalTues) Hi, @Wendell_Howe! Ooh, is that coyote jerky? Nice slideshow, btw! 15:47:39: RT @Wendell_Howe: Hello @puelladocta Nice to see you…goodbye. #temporaltea 15:47:48: RT @Wendell_Howe: Oh dear I think @puelladocta got caught…
From Twitter 10-14-2009 (Temporal Tues. meeting Prof. Wendell Howe)
18:10:55: Oh wow. My brain has been to full to even think about #TemporalTues. Well, maybe just one…. 18:11:51: #TemporalTues Set date and time to make it to @Wendel_Howe’s birthday. I hope dress pants, long sleeve top and wrap sweater will fit fashion 18:12:58: #TemporalTues Okay, maybe not birthday, but I’m not quite sure of the occasion. There’s his office! Lots of glass windows…. 18:16:11: #TemporalTues I hope they don’t have too many old janitor closets-turned offices! I need to get back in time for supper. Just a quick visit. 18:16:40: #TemporalTues I ran into the janitor. He looked rather bored, but pointed me in the right direction. 18:17:25: #TemporalTues…