Goodbye, Lizzie (and the Pioneering of Trans-Media Entertainment)
Yesterday marked the 100th and last episode of The Lizzie Bennet Diaries. We are sad. In case you don’t know what this wonderful thing is, it’s an adaptation of “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen, modernized and told in the format of a video blog, with characters interacting on screen as well as over Twitter and Facebook and Tumbler, and they interact with their fans as well. And it is…was…AMAZING. The writing, the actors, the crew, everything was stupendous. And the melange of platforms drew you into the story even more than would be possible if you were experiencing it through only one medium. I’ve been sitting on this blog…
Jeanette Bennett (and Wendell Howe)
Jeanette Bennett received a new lease on life when she took a pause from a “real” job and began pursuing her passion as a writer. She’s been gaining notoriety on the web for less than a year now, which is a testament to her popular writing experiment! She’s been seeing how well she can write a story on twitter though the eyes of one of her characters, and it’s safe to say that she’s been wildly successful! A bit befuddled? Well, if you’ve never heard of Dr. Wendell Howe, the time traveler from the 27th century, then I pity your loss. But weep no more! It just so happens that…
From Twitter 10-18-2009 (Temporal Tea)
15:29:30: Book Two ideas are flowing…BLOG: http://twurl.nl/dd1urb 15:30:04: Haha, story of my writing life…RT @Quotes4Writers: “Let other pens dwell on guilt and misery.” Jane Austen 15:31:46: RT @AdviceToWriters: Writing is its own reward.HENRY MILLER #writing #writechat #writetip 15:44:20: #TemporalTea Just showed up…and saw myself from when I went on #TemporalTues. Well, self, have fun XP Gonna get out b4 I see…myself 15:44:59: What an incandescently beautiful day! Haven’t had a lovely like this in a while! 15:47:19: (me from #TemporalTues) Hi, @Wendell_Howe! Ooh, is that coyote jerky? Nice slideshow, btw! 15:47:39: RT @Wendell_Howe: Hello @puelladocta Nice to see you…goodbye. #temporaltea 15:47:48: RT @Wendell_Howe: Oh dear I think @puelladocta got caught…