May-June 2020 Fly-By Status Report – The Trying Times
I originally wrote this in May to appear in a patron-submission Quaranzie by Sarah Shotts. I’ll add some additional updates after the main post. One never really knows how one will react to a global pandemic until one finds oneself in one. And for me, that meant depression naps, lots of Animal Crossing and ice cream, and many conversations with my mental health specialists. I’ve tried to give myself space to feel and grieve and process, but blessedly, sheltering at home with my husband and two cats, with our jobs still intact, has been the best part of this whole mess. There have been a lot of ups and downs…
Project S.T.I.R.: Authentic Armenian Fassoulia (Tomato String Beans)
On this warm, Georgian Thanksgiving morning (the state, not the country ^_^), I begin my yearly personal tradition. I leave my dozing husband to stretch out in bed, while I take care of the cats and turn on the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. I’ll leave it on in the background (and cry at the sweet/sappy holiday commercials) while I cook two things to bring to our Georgia family Thanksgiving meal. The first is cornbread, with the recipe off the back of the White Lily cornmeal mix bag, and Armenian fassoulia, or as my family has always called it, tomato string beans. As I’ve mentioned in my previous Project S.T.I.R. blog…
I’m an Official Project S.T.I.R. Ambassador!
I’m excited to say that I’ve been interviewed and featured on Sarah Shott’s blog, introducing me as a Project S.T.I.R. ambassador! This is such a great project, it’s my pleasure to support her! What is your favorite kitchen memory? My Armenian grandma teaching me how to make rice pilaf on Thanksgiving. That, or dad making pancakes on the weekends, and us all singing and laughing together. Continue reading the interview on her site >>
On Being Armenian, Project S.T.I.R., and how to make Authentic Armenian Rice Pilaf
↓ CLICK HERE TO JUMP TO THE RECIPE ↓ So, in case you guys didn’t know, I’m half Armenian. You might not know what that is, but here’s where we come from: And hailing from a small, lesser-known country, we cheer super loud for our tiny Olympic team during the Parade of Champions and freak out over the slightest offhand mention of Armenia in any sort of media. Like Conan O’Brien going to Armenia with his Armenian assistant! Better believe I’ll be watching that! People might not realize it, but Armenians are all over the place in pop culture, like Dave Seville (a.k.a. Ross Bagdasarian), creator of The Chipmunks, and…
Letters to July | SarahShotts.com
This month, I helped contribute a video to Sarah Shott’s “Letters to July” series! It’s my first time doing Dear July, and I really like it! I don’t know if I’ll do another one this year, but I hope to in the future! *back-posted on 8/28/15*