Goings and Goals
In a few days I’m going off on a trip to attend a family vacation/wedding, so I shall be taking a three-week hiatus from blogging. I will likely give a bit of perspective on my trip upon my return, as I foresee reaping some wonderful writing ideas. While I’m gone for my extended time, I plan to do as much editing and writing as I can. As I won’t be attached at the hip to my laptop, I plan to print the offending pages out, so when I am away from the computer I can have something to work on. I’m about halfway+ through the manuscript now as it stands, until…
Friends in the Write Places *corny horn*
I’m preparing my beloved first draft to send to a few editor friends to read over. I just need it out of my lap for right now so my brain can recover from all that intensive writing and thinking and stewing that was going on for months and months on end. YEARS, even! (Oy!) I’ve been preparing the story’s world for most of my young life, and it took me just over a year to finish this draft. The fact that it’s finally written down a way I really, truly like, that is half the battle, and my brain is crying “uncle.” But I’m definitely at peace with the fact…
The Great Struggle
“It is of the utmost that I speak to you about a great struggle, which is taking place [at] this mortal temple we call the [writer’s desk]. The contestants are those aged combatants…art…and commerce. And art, it would appear from the [lack of income]…is in its usual position of jeopardy.” – edited quote from Nicholas Nickleby movie. Since I am, sadly, not a full-time writer, the great quest (as Mel Brooks put it), The Search for More Money, takes precedence over any deadline I might have set for myself. I am so close to the end that I can see the finish line, but I have realized that setting a…