My YouTube Channel’s Intro Video!
Hey guys! I’ve been meaning to make an intro video for my Youtube channel for a long time, and here it is! It makes me happy <3 One day I will get a better mic…
Youtube Survey 2012
Answering the 2012 Youtube Survey! Why are you called that? Tell us about your favourite school teacher? What’s the strangest food you’ve ever eaten? Tell us about your first gig? What is your favourite place in the world? Who do you want to answer the survey next? Swot Sisters: www.youtube.com Official Wench: www.youtube.com The Mean Kitty: www.youtube.com
Editing! See? I’m productive!
Hubs and I sitting down to do some intensive editing. Continuity is still a problem 😛
V.E.D.A. Project 2011 – Playlist
I’ve decided to take on the challenge of Vlog Every Day in April! Here’s the playlist where I’m uploading all the VEDA vlogs on my YouTube Channel. A vlog every day for the next 31 days. Hooooo…… Hope you guys enjoy! The playlist will be updated every time there’s a new one loaded!
My First Vlog
I’m very excited to post my first vlog ever! Hope you guys like! Thanks for watching! Well, it’s a start anyway! I’ll really do better with the lighting next time! Music from incompetech.com
What I Look Like Doing Research XD
Wow, I actually have something to post on my YouTube account: The medieval studies topics are actual search tags I have used extensively to do research before. ^_^ I’ve been trying to think of trailers for my book to create, but for now I think I will put that on the back burner til it’s being edited seriously by people other than me. But I still want to post things up on there! I’ve been rooting around for ideas. Any suggestions?
But I’m a Cockeyed Optimist!
I’ve been getting a whole bunch of little idea nuggets. Not story ideas (I’m getting those too), but ideas for promotion-type things! My two biggest things I have been wanting to do lately are: 1. Create a youtube account and post videos (but I have no idea what they would be about), and 2. Create a character twitter account (except that none of them have access to our world, necessarily). Still, I WANT TO DO THESE THINGS! Perhaps once I get my book finished I’ll be able to figure something out. The videos will probably happen once I’m published, but the twitter, I am still figuring that out. Yet even…