I’ve moved to PuellaDocta.com!
If you’re reading this, I’ve already started making all kinds of changes to canelsonauthor.com…particularly moving it to PUELLADOCTA.COM. Tadaaaaa! I’ve got it set up to redirect and everything! I’m slowly getting everything transferred so it will show up correctly, so please forgive any broken links or images! I’m still trying to figure out all the social media renaming too, but I’ll let you know if/when there are any big changes. I’m still going to write about about my writing here, I’m just adding my art and design to the party as well ^_^ Thanks for your patience! ~Christina
Infusing my Writing Process with More Technology
I’m super pleased with a new plot/story organizing software I found called SuperNotecard. It’s pretty much amazing and it’s helping me organize Book 2! Also, for some reason WordPress ate my awesome entry on “The Butterfly Circus.” Will remedy when I recover from the shock ;P
Software of the Trade
Well, Mr. P. Phil, it’s flippin’ cold outside. I hope the weather starts acting its season, or no amount of April Showers will bring May Flowers. Cold weather just makes me want to go out LESS than I do anyway, but at least it’s sunny right now. Makes staying inside and writing more enticing, and since I finally had a breakthrough with my editor’s block, I no longer feel like my head will explode if I try to roll the plot around. This is a good thing ^_^ Well, I’ve been getting the emails again! It must be almost Screnzy season! Also, who is their designer? They rock! I won’t…
New Years Resolutions for a Write-Tastic 2011
My writing resolutions for the new year. I also discuss the joys of Evernote and a video idea that is happily unfinished.