From Twitter 10-18-2009 (Temporal Tea)
15:29:30: Book Two ideas are flowing…BLOG: http://twurl.nl/dd1urb 15:30:04: Haha, story of my writing life…RT @Quotes4Writers: “Let other pens dwell on guilt and misery.” Jane Austen 15:31:46: RT @AdviceToWriters: Writing is its own reward.HENRY MILLER #writing #writechat #writetip 15:44:20: #TemporalTea Just showed up…and saw myself from when I went on #TemporalTues. Well, self, have fun XP Gonna get out b4 I see…myself 15:44:59: What an incandescently beautiful day! Haven’t had a lovely like this in a while! 15:47:19: (me from #TemporalTues) Hi, @Wendell_Howe! Ooh, is that coyote jerky? Nice slideshow, btw! 15:47:39: RT @Wendell_Howe: Hello @puelladocta Nice to see you…goodbye. #temporaltea 15:47:48: RT @Wendell_Howe: Oh dear I think @puelladocta got caught…