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New shiny site design!

The new and improved

Hi everyone! Welcome back to the new and improved!

Not only has the URL changed a little, hacking off the superfluous “official” part, as you probably noticed, but I’ve made some design changes as well! Hope you like it! I certainly do! It’s been a long time coming. Just letting you know, I deleted all my extra post categories and listed everything under “Blog,” and I’ve been cleaning out my list of tags, which might mess up some page linking throughout the Web (to say nothing of changing the urls). But thankfully, everything should still point to this site, and I didn’t delete any posts, so between the search bar and the tag cloud on the 404 page, you should be able to locate everything if you get lost. I’ll probably still be tinkering around after today, but as far as I’m concerned, that’s icing. Thanks for being awesome, WordPress!

I know I was thinking of relaunching in November, but I just couldn’t wait! I had so many fun things I wanted to blog and vlog about, especially since we’re coming up on fall and winter, my favorite time of the year. Not to mention that Talk Like a Pirate Day and Hobbit Day are coming up, and I naturally MUST talk about those! And speaking of that…

I intend to post at least one blog or vlog a month.

This is one of the biggest promises I’m trying to keep to myself, hopefully giving me plenty of time to plan and write and film and schedule posts so that I don’t get too overwhelmed with the task. I have to split time between the blog, my new part-time job working at Pike Nurseries, any graphic design freelance I pick up (and relaunching THAT site, *sigh*), and of course, editing and writing, THE REASON I AM HERE!

As I was going through my years of old blog and vlog posts, I was re-inspired to keep chronicling my life through the lens of being a writer, like I had when I started posting in 2009. This will likely mean status updates and thinking through things that might be rambling (which really isn’t a big change). But hey, at this point my audience is small, and no matter how big it gets, I want to do this for me, so I want to enjoy it! Plus, I’m hoping to get better editing software at some point (which I thought I’d have this year), which will ideally make the editing vlog process more fun and less stressful too.

So thanks for being patient, and I look forward to sharing and connecting with you all!



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