Lisa Patton
Lisa Patton and I met by random chance at a car repair shop as I was leaving and she was entering. After a mere minute-long conversation, we found out we were both authors, and we’ve been friends ever since!
FIRST LINES: “Memphis is my home. It always will be no matter where I live. In the South we have a tendency to be possessive of our hometowns.”
It’s about a Southern belle and her tales of moving up to Vermont and running an inn with her family. Lisa has also been an innkeeper in Vermont, so I think it’s safe to say that this book has a lot of truth in it!
I haven’t read “Whistlin’ Dixie” yet, but I intend to, and get my hands on an autographed copy!
For more information about “Whistlin’ Dixie in a Nor’easter,” check out it’s Amazon page. If you want more of a taste, you can listen to Lisa herself reading the prologue!