Obligatory Valentine’s Day Entry { a series of haikus }
Of all the WalgreensIn all the towns in the world,It had to be mine. My plans were simple.Some milk, maybe some crackers,Box of cereal. I knew I shouldn’t,And yet I found myself there,Red, pink and white aisle. Everywhere: all ’round:I could not escape my fate.And then there he was. His face was shapely,His coloring was ruddy.I felt a tremor. Irish! And so sweet!I picked it right off the shelf.Cuz I love truffles. SpecificallyBaileys Irish Cream trufflesNon-alcoholic. I must be crazy:I buy my own candy andI still love V-day! Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone! If you have someone, enjoy them today, and make sure to treat them this way all year long!…