From Twitter 10-14-2009 (Temporal Tues. meeting Prof. Wendell Howe)
18:10:55: Oh wow. My brain has been to full to even think about #TemporalTues. Well, maybe just one…. 18:11:51: #TemporalTues Set date and time to make it to @Wendel_Howe’s birthday. I hope dress pants, long sleeve top and wrap sweater will fit fashion 18:12:58: #TemporalTues Okay, maybe not birthday, but I’m not quite sure of the occasion. There’s his office! Lots of glass windows…. 18:16:11: #TemporalTues I hope they don’t have too many old janitor closets-turned offices! I need to get back in time for supper. Just a quick visit. 18:16:40: #TemporalTues I ran into the janitor. He looked rather bored, but pointed me in the right direction. 18:17:25: #TemporalTues…
Writing My Heart Out (with the cunning use of smoke screens!)
The one thing I love about writing fantasy is this: I can write about whatever I want. Literally. I create my own world, my own rules, and populate it with creatures and peoples, and it’s all done to my taste. Sometimes it’s just a creative idea that comes out of nowhere, nagging at me, demanding to be put onto paper. Sometimes it’s wish fulfillment, sometimes it’s getting out emotions. But to me, it’s the greatest gift I could possess. It fulfills me like little else can. Writing is my life experience put on the page, and I pour out my heart through my characters. Still, whatever I put in, I…