• Blog,  Love Letters,  Reflections

    Goodbye, Lizzie (and the Pioneering of Trans-Media Entertainment)

    Yesterday marked the 100th and last episode of The Lizzie Bennet Diaries. We are sad. In case you don’t know what this wonderful thing is, it’s an adaptation of “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen, modernized and told in the format of a video blog, with characters interacting on screen as well as over Twitter and Facebook and Tumbler, and they interact with their fans as well. And it is…was…AMAZING. The writing, the actors, the crew, everything was stupendous. And the melange of platforms drew you into the story even more than would be possible if you were experiencing it through only one medium. I’ve been sitting on this blog…

  • Blog,  Love Letters,  Reflections

    Hey, Oscar Wilde! It’s Clobberin’ Time!

    Interesting title. Thank you. I cannot take credit for it. Not quite a writing charity or an author dinner raising money for illiteracy, but it’s so noteworthy and creative and…well, authory, that I knew I had to write a little bit about it’s existance. “Hey, Oscar Wilde! It’s Clobberin’ Time” is a website where, as they say themselves (capslock and all): NOW IN ITS TENTH INCARNATION SINCE BEING LAUNCHED IN 06.1998, IS AN EXTENSION OF A PERSONAL ART COLLECTION OF VARIOUS ARTISTS INTERPRETING THEIR FAVOURITE LITERARY FIGURE/AUTHOR/CHARACTER THAT HAS BEEN ACCUMULATED SINCE 03.1998. Basically, it’s a website where illustrators and artists do up pieces involving their favorite books or authors…