The Origin of "Puella Docta"
Happy February, everyone! (A bit belated, but still!) Thought I’d start the month off with an informative entry! So, I’ve used the handle “puelladocta” on a lot of sites over the years, including my twitter. When this journal was on Blogger its url was “puelladocta.blogspot,” and after a stint as canelsonauthor.com, it went back to puelladocta.com again! I’m sure a few of you out there are wondering. “Why, Christina?” you may ask. “Why, oh, why, oh, why ‘puelladocta’ of all things? Your name isn’t even close to Puella Docta, nor are you a docta (read “doctor”), and what the heck is a ‘puella?’ Do you watch Madoka?” Well, I’ll tell you, Little…